Ab Imperio (2008), 2

Ab Imperio (2008), 2
Other title information 
Gardening the Imperial Subject: Intimate and Collective in the Imperial Space

Published on
Kazan', Russland 2008: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
524 S.
124 € Jahresabo, 31 € Einzelhelheft



Organization name
Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space
Russian Federation
Postanschrift: P.O. Box 157, Kazan' 420015. Tel./Fax: 7-8432-644-018
Alexander Kaplunovski

"Ab Imperio" editors are pleased to announce the release of the first issue of the journal in 2008. "Ab Imperio" is a bilingual (English Russian) international scholarly journal dedicated to the study of empire and nationalism in the post Soviet space. The second issue of the journal is devoted to the exploration of "Gardening the Imperial Subject: Intimate and Collective in the Imperial Space". The language of each publication (Russian or English) is indicated by a letter in brackets.

Please find below the table of contents and visit the website for more information: www.abimperio.net

For submissions, subscription or other inquiries please contact the editors at: office@abimperio.net

Table of contents



From the Editors (R&E)

Edward Gray
The Other Continental Empire: American Perceptions of the Russian Empire, 1776-1789 (E)

Elizabeth Buettner
The Postman’s Letters: Long Distance Intimacy and the Family Lives of India’s Colonizers (R)

Roundtable with Adrienne Edgar, Sonja Luehrmann, Sergey Abashin, Elena Gapova
“Sub Altera Specie”: A View at Postcolonial Paradigm from Inside Russian/Soviet History (E&R)

Adrienne Lynn Edgar
Marriage, Modernity, and the “Friendship of Nations”: Interethnic Intimacy in Postwar Central Asia in Comparative Perspective (R)


Jan Kusber
Individual, Subject, and Empire. Toward a Discourse on Upbringing, Education, and Schooling in the Time of Catherine II (E)

Anatoly Remnev, Natalia Suvorova
“The Russian Cause” on the Asiatic Borderlands: The “Russianness” Under Threat and “Questionable Kulturträgers” (R)

M. Safa Saraçoğlu
Some Aspects of Ottoman Governmentality at the Local Level: The Judicio-Administrative Sphere of the Vidin County in the 1860s and 1870s (E)

Tuong Vu
Dreams of Paradise: The Making of a Soviet Outpost in Vietnam (E)


Victor Shnirelman
Hatred of Migrants and “Cultural Racism” (R)


Vladimir Bobrovnikov
Why Are We Marginals? Marginalia on the Russian Translation of Orientalism by Edward Said (R)

Serguei Glebov
Wither Eurasia? History of Ideas in an Imperial Situation (E)


Alexander Semyonov
“Empire as a Moving Target” (E)


Jan Kusber
Maureen Perrie, Dominic Lieven, and Ronald Suny (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Russia (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006). 3 vols. ill. ISBN: 0-521-186-194-2; 978-052-186-194-6 (hardback edition). ₤270.00 (US $475.00), Volume 3: The Twentieth Century (R)

Kirsten Bönker
Ulrike von Hirschhausen, Die Grenzen der Gemeinsamkeit: Deutsche, Letten, Russen und Juden in Riga 1860-1914 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 2006). (=Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft; Bd. 172). 430 S. ISBN: 978-3-525-35153-6; 352-535-153-4 (E)

Elena Vishlenkova
Stephen M. Norris, A War of Images: Russian Popular Prints, Wartime Culture, and National Identity, 1812-1945 (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2006). xiii+277 p., ill. ISBN: 978-0-87580-363-0; 0-875-80363-6. (R)

Vadim Menzhulin
A. Etkind Non-fiction po-russki pravda: Kniga otzyv. Moskva: “NOvoe literaturnoe obozrenie”, 2007. 336 S. ISBN: 5-86793-518-3. (R)

Igor Alexeev
Robert D. Crews, For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006). 463 pp. Index. ISBN: 0-674-02164-9. (R)

Sergei Abashin, Shahnoza Madaeva
Marianne Kamp, The New Woman in Uzbekistan: Islam, Modernity, and Unveiling under Communism (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2006). xiii+332 pp., ill. Maps. ISBN: 978-029-5986-449. (R)

Andrew Gentes
I. R. Sokolovskii. Sluzhilye “inozemcy” v Sibiri XVII veka (Tomsk, Enisejsk, Krasnojarsk). Novosibirsk: “Sova”, 2004. 212 S. Spisok istochnikov, Literatura, Tablicy. ISBN: 5-87550-203-7. (E)

Albina Noskova
Powstanie Warszawskie 1944 w dokumentach z archiwów służb specjalnych. Warszawa – Moskva: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Institut rosskijskoj istorii RAN, 2007. 1428 S. ISBN: 97 (R)

Kerstin Armborst-Weihs
Anke Hilbrenner, Diaspora-Nationalismus: Zur Geschichtskonstruktion Simon Dubnows (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 2007). 315 S. (= Schriften des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts; Bd. 7). ISBN: 3-525-36985-9. (E)

Wim van Meurs
Stefan Ihrig, Wer sind die Moldawier? Rumänismus versus Moldowanismus in Historiographie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991-2006 (Hannover: ibidem-Verlag, 2008). 344 S. (=Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society; Bd. 76). ISBN: 978-3-89821-466-7; ISSN: 1-614-3515. (E)

Boris Povarnitsyn
Zoltan Barany, Robert G. Moser (Eds.), Ethnic Politics After Communism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005). 296 pp., 18 tables, ill. Index. ISBN: 0-8014-7276-8. (R)

Sergei Liubichankovskii
K. Macuzato, V. F. Abramov, A. A. Yarcev. Zesmkii fenomen: Politologicheskii podkhod. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2001. 200 S. (=Occasional Papers on Regional / Subregional Politics in the Post-Communist Countries; Vol. 6). (R)

Maksim Kirchanov
Unija. Politika Rimokatolichke Crkve prema pravoslavnim slovenima / Priredop Zoran Miloshevich. Beograd: Institut za politichke studije, 2005. 335 S. ISBN: 86-7419-082-0; (R)

Ilya Kuksin
Russkaia semja v vodovorote “velikogo pereloma ”: Pisma O. A. Tolstoj-Voeikovoi, 1927-1929 gg. / Izdanie podgotovleno V. Zhober. Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelstvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo instituta istorii RAN, “Nestor-Istoriia”, 2005. 444 S., il. Imennoi ukazatel. (R)

Nikita Khrapunov
Kevin Alan Brook, The Jews of Khazaria (Lanham, Toronto and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006). xii+315 pp. 2nd edition. ISBN-13: 978-0-7425-4981-4. (R)


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